Innathe Chintha Vishayam

Innathe Chintha Vishayam is a heartwarming drama and romance film directed by Sathyan Anthikad. Released in 2008, the movie follows the story of Gopakumar, portrayed by the legendary Mohanlal, as he sets out on a transformative journey to assist three different families in overcoming their individual struggles and finding resolution.

Gopakumar's compassionate nature leads him to become deeply involved in the lives of these families, played by talented actors Meera Jasmine and Mukesh. As he delves into their personal challenges, Gopakumar becomes a guiding light, offering support, understanding, and a fresh perspective on their predicaments.

Through his unwavering determination and genuine empathy, Gopakumar helps these families navigate through their emotional turmoil, mend broken relationships, and discover newfound hope. Along the way, he also finds his own personal growth and fulfillment, as he learns valuable lessons about love, compassion, and the power of human connection.

Innathe Chintha Vishayam is a touching and thought-provoking film that explores the complexities of human relationships and the importance of empathy in overcoming life's obstacles. With its stellar cast and Sathyan Anthikad's masterful direction, this movie is sure to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.

Mohanlal, Meera Jasmine, Mukesh
Sathyan Anthikad
Sathyan Anthikad
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