Kakkakum Poochakkum Kalyanam

"Kakkakum Poochakkum Kalyanam" is a heartwarming comedy and romance film directed by K.K. Haridas and written by V.C. Ashok. Released in 2012, the movie follows the life of Kunjananthan, played by Dileep, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he finally lands a job and falls in love. However, despite these positive changes, Kunjananthan continues to struggle with his whiny personality, which becomes a constant obstacle in his life. Frustrated and desperate to escape his problems, he resorts to attempting suicide multiple times. This poignant yet humorous film explores the challenges faced by Kunjananthan as he navigates through his personal and professional life, highlighting the importance of self-acceptance and finding happiness amidst adversity. Starring Devayani and Kuthiravattam Pappu alongside Dileep, "Kakkakum Poochakkum Kalyanam" is a delightful blend of comedy, romance, and self-discovery that will leave audiences both laughing and reflecting on life's ups and downs.

Dileep, Devayani, Kuthiravattam Pappu
K.K. Haridas
V.C. Ashok
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