Kinnam Katta Kallan

In the uproarious comedy-drama "Kinnam Katta Kallan," released in 1996, director K.K. Haridas and writer V.C. Ashok bring together a stellar cast including Jagadish, Sreenivasan, and Mala Aravindan. Set in a small town, the film revolves around a comical rivalry between two police officers who unexpectedly find themselves entangled in a fierce competition for the affections of a mesmerizing young woman. As the hilarious battle for love ensues, audiences are treated to a rollercoaster of laughter, unexpected twists, and heartwarming moments. "Kinnam Katta Kallan" is a delightful blend of comedy and drama that will leave viewers entertained and captivated from start to finish.

Jagadish, Sreenivasan, Mala Aravindan
K.K. Haridas
V.C. Ashok
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