Love 24x7

"Love 24x7" is a heartfelt romantic drama directed by Sreebala K. Menon. Set in the world of media, the film delves into the captivating power of love. Released in 2015, the movie follows the journey of its protagonist, played by Dileep, as he navigates the complexities of both his personal and professional life. Alongside him, Nikhila Vimal and Sreenivasan deliver captivating performances, adding depth to the narrative. As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster, witnessing the triumphs and tribulations of love in a fast-paced and ever-evolving media landscape. "Love 24x7" is a must-watch for those seeking a poignant exploration of love's enduring influence.

Dileep, Nikhila Vimal, Sreenivasan
Sreebala K. Menon
Sreebala K. Menon
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