Mr. Marumakan

In the 2012 comedy film "Mr. Marumakan," directed by Sandhya Mohan and written by Siby K. Thomas and Udaykrishnan, we follow the story of Ashok Raj, played by Dileep. Ashok Raj sets out on a mission to revive the once prestigious Bharatha Kalakshetram drama troupe. With the help of his talented co-stars, including Sanusha and Bhagyaraj, Ashok Raj embarks on a hilarious and heartwarming journey to bring back the former glory of the troupe. Will they succeed in their mission and restore the fame and recognition that the Bharatha Kalakshetram once enjoyed? Find out in this entertaining comedy that will leave you laughing and rooting for the underdogs.

Dileep, Sanusha, Bhagyaraj
Sandhya Mohan
Siby K. Thomas, Udaykrishnan
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