Nandagopalante Kusruthikal

"Nandagopalante Kusruthikal" is a heartwarming comedy-drama set in a picturesque village in 1996. The film follows the life of Nandagopan, a young man who is determined to find a traditional bride. However, his plans take an unexpected turn when his uncle, played by Harisree Ashokan, insists on arranging a marriage alliance with Radhika, a modern and independent woman who challenges societal norms.

As Nandagopan grapples with this unconventional proposal, he finds himself torn between his desire for a traditional life and his growing admiration for Radhika's progressive mindset. With the support of his quirky friend, played by Paravoor Bharathan, Nandagopan embarks on a hilarious and heartwarming journey of self-discovery.

"Nandagopalante Kusruthikal" explores the clash between tradition and modernity, highlighting the importance of embracing change and breaking free from societal expectations. With its blend of comedy and drama, the film offers a delightful and thought-provoking narrative that will leave audiences both entertained and inspired.

Harisree Ashokan, Paravoor Bharathan, Byon
Bhasi Mankuzhi
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