Pavam I. A. Ivachan

"Pavam I.A. Ivachan" is a heartwarming comedy-drama film set in 1994. Directed by Roy P. Thomas, the movie revolves around the lives of Innocent Vareed Thekkethala and Srividya, who find solace and strength in the enchanting melodies composed by Raveendran. As they face various trials and tribulations, the power of music becomes their guiding light, helping them overcome obstacles and discover the true essence of life. With a stellar cast including Innocent Vareed Thekkethala, Roy P. Thomas, Jagadish, and Siddique, "Pavam I.A. Ivachan" is a delightful tale that beautifully captures the transformative power of music and the resilience of the human spirit.

Innocent Vareed Thekkethala, Jagadish, Siddique
Roy P. Thomas
Innocent Vareed Thekkethala, Roy P. Thomas
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