Payum Puli

"Payum Puli" is a 2007 comedy film directed by Mohan Kuplari and written by Biju Devassey. The movie follows the story of a loan shark's recovery agent who unexpectedly finds himself in a peculiar situation. While searching for a debtor, he stumbles upon a house in the city. However, his excitement quickly turns into frustration when he encounters the disapproving landlady. Despite their initial animosity, the recovery agent is compelled to help the landlady when an eviction notice is served. As they join forces to fight against the impending eviction, hilarious and heartwarming moments ensue, leading to unexpected friendships and personal growth. Starring Kalabhavan Mani, Rambha, and Riyaz Khan, "Payum Puli" is a delightful comedy that explores the power of compassion and the bonds that can be formed in the most unlikely circumstances.

Kalabhavan Mani, Rambha, Riyaz Khan
Mohan Kuplari
Biju Devassey
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