
"Rasikan" is a 2004 comedy-thriller directed by Lal Jose. The film follows the story of Shivankutty, a ticket scalper played by Dileep, who finds himself entangled in a dangerous web of crime. One fateful day, Shivankutty witnesses the cold-blooded murder of a policeman in broad daylight. Fueled by a sense of justice, he decides to take on the powerful criminal responsible for the heinous act. With the help of his friend, played by Murali Gopy, and a courageous woman, portrayed by Samvrutha Sunil, Shivankutty embarks on a thrilling journey to bring the criminal to justice. As the stakes rise and the danger intensifies, Shivankutty must rely on his wit and determination to outsmart his adversaries and ensure that justice prevails. "Rasikan" combines elements of comedy and suspense, offering audiences an entertaining and gripping cinematic experience.

Dileep, Murali Gopy, Samvrutha Sunil
Lal Jose
Murali Gopy
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