
In the year 2007, a gripping tale unfolds in this action-packed crime thriller directed by Shaji Kailas. Appan Menon, played by Suresh Gopi, is a determined investigator who finds himself embroiled in a web of suspense and danger. As he sets out on a mission to uncover the truth, his path takes an unexpected turn when Susan, a familiar face, enters the picture. With her own agenda, Susan, portrayed by Vimala Raman, joins forces with Appan, leading them both into a thrilling mystery that will test their courage and unravel shocking secrets. Alongside them is Padmapriya, adding depth to the story with her captivating performance. Prepare for a rollercoaster ride of suspense and action as Appan Menon and Susan delve deeper into the unknown, determined to uncover the truth at any cost.

Suresh Gopi, Vimala Raman, Padmapriya
Shaji Kailas
Rajesh Jayaraman
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